Take advantage of your business to make it accessible to people with different abilities, and increase site coverage to get more users to join!
The site’s accessibility kit allows the site to comply with international laws and standards, such as WCAG Guiding Principles 2.1 (based on U.S. Article 508, the U.S. Disability Act (ADA), and European Union Standard EN 301549).
With this service, you get a special website customization panel that gives site visitors access to the following tools:
1) Five contrast modes: Default, Night, High Contrast Black / White, High Contrast Black / Yellow, High Contrast Yellow / Black.
2) Font size adjustment.
3) Links are highlighted.
4) Headings are highlighted.
5) Readable font.
6) Dyslexia font.
7) Large white / black marker.
8) magnifier.
9) Turn off animations and transitions.
This general demo will inherit the design of your template if you use this service.
Keep in mind that WCAG compliance is a mode extension of the basic website design and should only be considered as an ancillary feature.
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