This is all legal information related to the affiliate program, describes the terms and remedies, so please read everything carefully.
This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you may participate in the Affiliate Program (“Affiliate Program” or “Services”). By accepting this Agreement electronically, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, approved and agree to be bound by it, as well as the Business Media Universal Service Terms Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference. The original is written and understood in Lithuanian. Translated versions of legal documents are provided as a guide only.
Business Media is called “we”, “us” or “ours”. Any natural or legal person who agrees to this Agreement is referred to as “you”, “your”, “User”, “customer” or “Partner”. Nothing in this Agreement should be construed as conferring any rights or benefits on third parties. Business Media reserves the right to update or amend this Agreement, as well as any rules or agreements contained therein, at any time, and such changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the Business Media Website (the “Website”). You acknowledge and agree that (i) Business Media may notify you of such changes or modifications by posting them on this Website, and (ii) your use of this Site or the Services provided on it after such changes or modifications (as defined in the “Last Revised” date at the top of this page) constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement in its up-to-date version. Do not use (and continue to use) this Website or the Services provided on it if you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement as last amended. Business Media can also send you emails. a letter informing you of any changes or updates to this Agreement. Therefore, it’s important that you keep your account information (hereinafter referred to as ‘Account’) up to date, including your email. email address. Business Media will not be held liable or liable if due to incorrect or outdated email. You will not receive a notification email. by mail.
To become a member of the Business Media Partner Program, complete the Partner Registration Form on the Business Media Website (the “Website”). We review all partner registration applications before deciding whether to approve or not. Your application may be denied for any reason if we believe it is ineligible for the Partner Program.
As an affiliate of Business Media, you agree to the following terms:
It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate account information and to keep it up to date. Examples of such information include contact information, payment information, tax information, URLs of all websites that promote Business Media, advertising methods and procedures, and any other facts we may need. Business Media reserves the right to request any additional information about each website that promotes Business Media, as well as any other information about the advertising tactics used on such websites. Failure to provide or provide inaccurate information may result in disqualification from the Affiliate Program, suspension or termination of your Affiliate Account, and loss of any Commission.
The partner must offer customers who have a good reputation and act honestly. Reputable customers are those who have provided genuine contact information, have active accounts that do not exceed any restrictions in the Business Media Terms of Service, and are not identified as posing a significant risk of fraud. New users you specify who have registered for an account and have not canceled it for more than 45 (forty-five) days are considered active accounts.
You should not provide advice or take any action that could result in a loss of revenue for Business Media.
You should avoid any marketing methods that can attract customers who do not have a good reputation.
You may not modify, copy or modify any of the billboards, icons, graphics or any other information contained in Business Media links without the prior written consent of Business Media, including, but not limited to, altering or modifying any copyright or trademark notices.
You are not allowed to use self-referendum tactics; you are not permitted to click on your affiliate links and / or billboards and place orders through your unique affiliate link. Matching IP addresses that have been connected to the Partner Panel and a transaction will be considered self-referenced without exception. In addition, the use of VPN services to execute a transaction through an affiliate link will be considered an infringement. Violations may result in the deduction of all earned Rewards and termination of the program.
In order for Business Media to receive more links, the Partner should avoid using “black” SEO and / or spam link building strategies.
You agree to comply with all applicable laws.
You must be loyal to Business Media, not abuse its trust, or jeopardize Business Media’s reputation.
Do not promote, promote or incite violence or prejudice against any person, group or authority.
If Business Media suspects or identifies a pattern of violation of the Affiliate Program Agreement, Business Media reserves the right to suspend and / or terminate your Affiliate Account and to cancel any unpaid Commissions.
Only advertising material permitted by Business Media may be used to promote Business Media on the Partner Website. Material in your Partner Zone that has been approved as promotional material is called Approved Promotional Material. Approved promotional material that you may display on your Affiliate Website may use Business Media trademarks, service marks, logos, and slogans. By signing this Agreement, you agree to grant Verslas Media a non-exclusive, limited and non-transferable license to receive, download and post approved promotional material on its website for the sole purpose of promoting Verslas Media’s websites.
If the Partner Agreement is terminated for any reason, your non-exclusive, limited and non-transferable permission to access, download and post Business Media Approved Promotional Material will be immediately and automatically revoked.
Bad ads include, but are not limited to:
Any illegal and / or unwanted form of advertising, such as unsolicited email. email, unauthorized posting of links in forums, newsgroups, bulletin boards, etc .;
In addition to our permission, you may suggest keywords and phrases containing the Business Media trademark, as well as variations or misspellings of the trademarked term, in Pay Per Click or Pay per Impression campaigns on search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN , Ask, Bing, etc.). You may not use the Business Media website (s) as a display URL in paid media ads, nor may you link to or link to the Business Media website (s).
Business Media advertises unique, infringing content.
Using traffic from paid reading, paid click, banner exchange, click exchange, PPV advertising, pop-up and / or pop-up advertising, or other similar tactics;
without our prior consent to return the money, provide a reward or any other incentive to win the sale;
offer price reduction strategies, such as coupon (s), coupon (s), discount codes or value-added incentives, without our prior consent;
Use our brand, name, or promotional and promotional materials in a way that damages our image;
Using iframes or any other technology or method where your partner’s tracking cookie is presented in a non-click manner;
Use of tactile or masking tactics or technology to advertise on Business Media websites and / or networks that are not explicitly mentioned in your affiliate profile and to disguise this source of traffic;
Your site (s) must be free of any obscene, vulgar, illegal or pornographic material, or any other material deemed unacceptable. This includes, but is not limited to, fanaticism, hatred, pornography, satanic material, trademark and copyright material, and any adult-oriented content. Any material posted as such is at our sole discretion.
Your domain name (s), company name, logo, brand, product (s), project (s) and service (s) may NOT contain keywords and phrases containing Business Media. the trademark or any other variation or misspelling that is misleadingly similar to the trademark, name, logo, or domain name of Business Media;
Unless authorized by the trademark owner, your domain name (s), company name, logo, trademark, product (s), design (s), and service (s) MAY NOT contain keywords or phrases that are either are misleadingly similar to third-party trademarks, names, logos, or domain names.
Business Media will use its sole discretion to determine whether the advertising method you choose is appropriate. Any advertising method we deem inappropriate may result in a warning, suspension, or termination of your partner account, and will cancel any unpaid commissions. In addition, any disrespectful, confrontational, or offensive communication with a dedicated affiliate manager will result in permanent removal from the affiliate program without exception.
Cookies are used to automatically track affiliate sales. Cookies are automatically set in the browser of the user who visits our website by clicking on the partner link. Each cookie can be stored for up to 30 days. If the same user’s browser already has a previous affiliate cookie, the new cookie will overwrite it. Business Media is not responsible if the user voluntarily deletes cookies.
We reserve the right to change the Commission’s structure and the Commission’s calculation mechanism at any time. Other commission schemes are not standard, but can be discussed with your account manager when the partnership is reviewed.
Commissions for such a transaction will not be credited if the purchase is canceled or refunded at the customer’s request within a period of 45 days. We reserve the right to inspect all transactions for suspected fraud, whether due to customer fraud or your fault. While we investigate and verify that the relevant transactions comply with the requirements, rules and regulations of the Agreement, we may defer the payment of any balance to you for up to 180 (one hundred and eighty) days.
At the beginning of each month, we’ll send a commission report to your affiliate area, which you must submit. Requests for payment for the previous due date should be sent to the email address provided. email address by the end of last month. For example, by 2021. an application for 2021 should be sent by the end of August. July. Until the 20th of the month. it will be possible to pay benefits. Payments will be carried over to the next payment cycle if the application is sent after the end of the previous month. You must make at least three conversions to claim. For Paypal withdrawals, the minimum payout is $ 100. The minimum payout for a bank transfer is $ 500. Please note that bank transfer payments often take 3-5 business days. As a result, commissions may be delayed until the 20th of each month.
Both Partner and Business Media acknowledge that they enter into this Partnership Agreement as independent contractors and that no partnership, agency, franchise, joint venture, sales representative or employee relationship exists between them as a result of this agreement. You have no authority to accept or make any claims or representations on behalf of Business Media. You are not permitted to post any comments on your website or elsewhere that are inconsistent with the content of this section.
You can cancel and terminate your partner account at any time by contacting us through the Partner Area. Upon request, Business Media will provide you with confirmation that your account has been canceled.
Business Media has the right to cancel a partner account for the following reasons:
With no explanation given seven days’ notice.
If you violate the Affiliate Program Terms, your affiliate account, or you violate the Affiliate Program Terms, your account will be terminated immediately and without notice.
Once you cancel your partner account, we will no longer track partner-related sales and you will not be able to receive any commissions in the future. In addition, an Affiliate account will be considered inactive if it has not received any new Conversions in the past six months, and such accounts will be considered inactive. If any Commissions are due at the time of termination, they will be paid to the Partner after the normal payout cycle at the end of any applicable retention period. If your account is canceled for violating these Terms and Conditions, the Partner will be required to pay an administration fee of $ 125 (or the equivalent in the currency specified in your Partner Zone).
Within three business days of canceling an Affiliate’s account, the Affiliate must remove all Business Media promotional materials, links, logos, trademarks and slogans from its website. This provision shall continue to apply after the termination of the Partnership Agreement. Upon termination of this Partnership Agreement, Partner will no longer be able to use any of Business Media’s trademarks, logos or slogans and will refrain from any action that may directly or indirectly adversely affect Business Media’s reputation, image or business relationship with existing and potential customers.
This Partner Agreement is automatically terminated upon termination of the Partner’s account.
Each party understands that, as a result of this Partnership Agreement, it may have access to the other party’s confidential information. “Confidential Information” means all documentation and information, including methods, algorithms and processes, as well as technical, business and marketing information, identified or marked as “proprietary” by the disclosing party orally, visually or in writing (“the disclosing party”). , “confidential” or similar, or which the other party (hereinafter referred to as the receiving party) knows or should reasonably consider to be confidential.
During the period and for the next five (5) years, each Receiving Party agrees (a) Strictly protect the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information with the same (but not less than reasonable) level of care and protection as it applies to its own Confidential Information of a similar nature; (b) not disclose, directly or indirectly, or otherwise provide to a third party, any Confidential Information of a Party disclosing Confidential Information; and (c) not use Each Party will disclose the other Party’s Confidential Information only to its employees and related persons who need to know it in order to perform such party’s obligations under this Agreement. In addition, the Receiving Party will be permitted to disclose Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to the extent that such disclosure has been approved in writing by the Disclosing Party or required by law or order of a court or similar judicial or administrative authority, provided that the Receiving Party promptly discloses such disclosure. will inform the disclosing party in writing and cooperate with the disclosing party (to the extent permitted by law).
The obligations set out in this Section shall not apply to confidential information which is: (a) is made available to the public before or at the time of disclosure, or becomes available to the public without further action by the Receiving Party; or (b) is lawfully known to the Receiving Party (other than in connection with this Affiliate Agreement) prior to disclosure under this Agreement.
Any conflict, claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with this Affiliate Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the jurisdiction and laws of the Business Media Corporation that serves your Affiliate Account.
We reserve the right to change any policy or terms of this Affiliate Agreement at any time. Amendments and / or supplements to the Agreement shall take effect immediately upon their publication on the Business Media website. You can always find the current terms and conditions of the Affiliate Agreement on the Business Media website. If you do not agree to the revisions and / or additions to the Partner Agreement, you may cancel your account within 10 business days of the revisions and / or additions. Any adjustments and / or additions to this Affiliate Agreement may only be made by an authorized Business Media employee. No agent, employee or subcontractor of Business Media may change or modify the terms of this Affiliate Agreement in any way. Oral explanations or information from either party do not alter the understanding of this Partnership Agreement.
2025 © Verslas Media